MPL系列是针对印刷高亮光产品之表面印刷而开发的油墨,属双组份,高亮光,在加入5-10% 专用固化剂后,印刷品附着力更优,可通过百格、耐胶粘及指刮测试。
[通用性]:可用于丝印,移印(需添加相应的溶剂) [印刷范围]:电镀制品(镀锌、镀银、镀金、镀钛)、金属制品、玻璃等硬质塑料有良好的附着力。 [性能特点]:高亮光(可提供哑光型),高硬度,双组份,色泽鲜艳,流平性好,高遮盖力,耐溶济,附着力优。 [干燥条件]: 1、自干,表干需15-30分钟,实干需3小时以上(因气候及印刷环境不同有差异),测试在油墨干燥后48小时后进行 2、烘烤:100-120度烘干及风干15-20分钟,可达完全干透,60-80度烘干及风干30-40分钟,可达完全干透 [技术参数]: 检验项目 检验结果 测试条件 油墨细度 ≤8um 刮板细度计 干膜光泽 ≧85° 60°镜面光泽剂 附着力 100/100 1mm×1mm×100格 3M胶纸剥离 耐 磨 性 无变化 500g/5cm2负载含砂橡皮×200次来回 耐酒精性 无变化 500g/ cm2 负载99.5﹪酒精棉×500次来回 耐碱性 无变化 浸泡5%NaOH×24Hr 耐盐性 无变化 浸泡5%NaC1×24Hr 耐水性 无变化 浸泡自来水×96Hr 耐热性 无变化 250℃×5ETc [使用方法]:a. 使用前请将油墨充分搅拌均匀,以防止油墨中添加的助剂可产生分离现象。 b. 印刷前有必要可考虑除去印刷表面的油渍及尘埃。 c. 请根据作业实际环境条件合理选取本公司之配套稀释剂。 d. 请根据印刷的理想效果,正确选取合适网版:250-380目网纱的网版,胶刮:65-90度耐溶剂胶刮。 [注意问题]: a. 本系列油墨必须搭配一定比例的硬化剂才能反应成膜,按主剂/硬化剂5-10%比例配制并搅拌均匀后,好是先固化10分钟,再行添加稀释剂以调整到印刷粘度。 b. 本系列油墨可选择自干或烘烤两种干燥方式,待工件冷却后再行测试;自干需待印刷后24或48小时测试。 c. 不同的干燥方式需要的固化时间差异较大,其表现出来的涂膜性能也有一定差异,请根据自身实际条件确立方式。 d. 多色套印时,初底层及中间层只需表干即可印刷下一颜色,后一色印完后,建议加热固化。 e. 25℃条件下混入硬化剂后油墨可使用时间为6Hr,超过此时限,品质将有所影响,建议每批次配制量以六小时内用完为准。 以上油墨经检测符合欧盟ROSH标准. 敬告:以上资料记载为本公司实验室资料数据,仅供参考,不作担保和承诺,请在充分测试后加以使用。The MPL series is developed for printing on the surface of high gloss printing products. It has two components and high gloss. After adding 5-10% special curing agent, the adhesion of printed matter is better. It can be tested through 100 gram, sticky and finger scraping. [generality]: can be used for screen printing, imprinting (to add the corresponding solvent) [printing range]: electroplated products (galvanized, silver, gold-plated, titanium plating), metal products, glass and other hard plastics have good adhesion. [Characteristics]: Gao Liangguang (available in matte), high hardness, two-component, bright color, good leveling, high covering power, solvent resistance, excellent adhesion. [dry condition]: 1, self drying, it takes 15-30 minutes to dry the table. It takes more than 3 hours (different weather and printing environment). The test is done 48 hours after the drying of the ink. 2, baking: 100-120 degrees drying and air drying for 15-20 minutes, up to completely dry, 60-80 degrees drying and drying for 30-40 minutes, up to completely dry [technical parameters]: Inspection project Test results Test conditions Ink fineness Less than 8um Scraper fineness meter Dry film gloss More than 85 degrees 60 degree mirror gloss agent adhesion 100/100 1mm x 1mm x 100 lattice 3M adhesive paper stripping Wear resistance unchanged 500g/5cm2 loaded sand rubber * 200 times back and forth Alcohol resistance unchanged 500g/ cm2 load 99.5 alcohol cotton * 500 times back and forth Alkali resistance unchanged Soak 5%NaOH x 24Hr Salt tolerance unchanged Soak 5%NaC1 x 24Hr Water resistance unchanged Soak the tap water and 96Hr Heat resistance unchanged 250 c * 5ETc [use method]:a. before use, please stir well the ink well, so as to prevent the addition of additives in the ink to produce separation. It is necessary to first consider the removal of oil stains and dust on the printed surface before B. is printed. C. please select the company's supporting diluent according to the actual environmental conditions. D. according to the ideal effect of printing, select suitable screen: 250-380 mesh screen mesh, s s of solvent: 65-90. [attention problem]: A., this series of ink must be matched with a certain proportion of hardeners to form the membrane. According to the ratio of the main agent / hardener 5-10%, it can be prepared for 10 minutes before adding the diluent to adjust the printing viscosity. B. This series of ink can be selected to dry or bake two drying methods, when the workpiece is cooled and tested again; self drying needs to be printed 24 or 48 hours after the test. C. different drying methods need different curing time. The film performance is also different. Please establish excellent ways according to their actual conditions. D. polychromatic printing, the first floor and the middle layer only need to print the next color, after the first color printing, it is recommended heating curing. When E. is mixed with hardener at 25 C, the time of use of ink is 6Hr, which will affect the beyond this time limit. It is recommended that the volume of each batch should be used within six hours. The above ink is tested by the European Union ROSH standard by . Notice: the above records for the company laboratory data for reference only, not a guarantee and promise, please be used in full after the test.